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Military Knowledge: Jamaran Frigate
Military Knowledge: Jamaran Frigate
Jamaran is the lead ship of the Iranian Moudge-class frigate launched in early 2010 in Bandar-e-Abbas, Iran. Iran said that the design and building of Jamaran was among the greatest achievements of the Iranian Navy and the ship’s launch marks a major technological leap for Iran’s naval industries. More ships in its class are under construction to be added to the Iranian fleets in the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf. The ship is designed for a crew of 140. Jamaran combines anti-submarine assets with other systems of weapons capable of dealing with surface and air threats as well. It ...
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Chinese Foreign Minister: Al-Moallem dedicated his life to defend Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity
Chinese Foreign Minister: Al-Moallem dedicated his life to defend Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity
Beijing, SANA- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has expressed condolences on the death of Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem. Xinhua News Agency quoted Wang as saying in a letter of condolences that “Al-Moallem has dedicated his life to defend Syria’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and he has firmly defended the interests of Syria and the Syrian people and he has struggled tirelessly till the end of his life, and his patriotism and professionalism are admirable and he will remain memorable.” Wang added “Al-Moallem has presented significant contributions to facilitate and develop the ...
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Hot air mass affects the country till Sunday
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