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Iran’s artillery attacks against PKK and PJAK
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After docking with the ISS, American manned spacecraft Dragon V2 space Western publications are actively discussing the theme of the adapter IDA, which moored the ship. Officially connecting unit produced by Boeing, but photos NASA it is clear that the primary node is made on the experimental machine-building Plant of RSC Energia. “A reason for pride for the Russian space technology is not less than the production of RD-180 engines for the American company, but for some reason our media does not advertise it — surprised the blogger Roman Lukianov in Facebook. — Most interesting: kind of like “boingovskoy” docking ...
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Turkish Army Shot Down a Syrian Fighter Jet
Turkish Army Shot Down a Syrian Fighter Jet
Turkish Army Shot Down a Syrian Fighter Jet ISWNews Analysis Group: The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the shooting down of a Syrian Army L-39 fighter jet in the sky of Idlib. The Syrian sources also confirmed the news. © 2007-2020, All Rights Reserved Syria|Turkey|Yemen|Qatar|Afghanistan|Azerbaijan|News|War
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Attribuzione credito scolastico Notiziario CNEC Area Soci Sedi regionali CNEC News Il legislatore ha previsto per i sostituti d’imposta l’obbligo di inviare all’Agenzia delle Entrate la certificazione dei redditi corrisposti nell’anno precedente, esclusivamente in via telematica, entro il 7 marzo dell’anno successivo a quello in cui le somme sono state corrisposte, tramite il modello cosiddetto “Certificazione Unica”. PENSIONAMENTO ANTICIPATO PER I DIPENDENTI DEL SETTORE PRIVATO La novità riguarda le spese di formazione in capo ai professionisti che, con effetto dal 2017 (con primo impatto quindi sul Modello redditi 2018) sono integralmente deducibili entro il limite annuo di 10.000 euro. La ...
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