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76-120 min.
Eventyrspil & Fabler


”Tik Tak og menneskedrengen" er en eventyrlig og eftertænksom historie, der udspiller sig i to verdener; menneskenes og urenes.
Vi møder det unge ur Tik Tak, hvis mor pludselig går i stå, og dette oven i købet lige inden Tik Taks hatteceremoni, der i urenes verden markerer overgangen fra barn til voksen.

Samtidig i menneskenes verden, får drengen Benjamin at vide, at hans forældre skal skilles.

Benjamin stikker af, og hans flugt fører ham ind i urenes verden, hvor han møder Tik Tak. Sammen vil Tik Tak og Benjamin redde Tik Taks mor, og de må igennem en række prøvelser, der bl.a. involverer en lumsk skurk, en skør hattemager og en grådig urmager.

Vil det lykkes for dem at redde Tik Taks mor? Vil Tik Tak få sin hatteceremoni? Og vil Benjamin blive gen-forenet med sine forældre? Tag med på en eventyrlig rejse for hele familien.

En rejse hvor alt kan ske. Ca. varighed af stykket: Ca. 120. Min. Antal locations: 7 Antal medvirkende: 6.
SCENE 1: I NATTENS MULM OG MØRKE Mørke. Nogen eller noget lister rundt i mørket.
SWATCH: (synger) Slange skind. Larve lig.
ZEPPELIN: Ti stille!
SWATCH: Jeg er nervøs.
ZEPPELIN: Du vækker dem.
SWATCH: Jeg kan ikke li´ mørke.
ZEPPELIN: Vær ikke sådan et skvadderskvat.
SWATCH: Hvad var det?
SWATCH: Hørte du ikke noget?
ZEPPELIN skriger.
SWATCH: Hvad skete der?!
ZEPPELIN: Mit ben!
TIK TAK: Hvad laver I her?!
ZEPPELIN: Hvem er det?!
SWATCH: Hvad gør vi?!
TIK TAK: Hvad laver I inde i mit hus?!
ZEPPELIN og SWATCH løber ud. Lyset bliver tændt.
TIK TAK står med sit træ sværd Sølvblad, klar til kamp, og spejder ud i mørket.
Andre forfattere
Brian Wind-Hansen


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Baking soda and vinegar volcano-Baking soda and vinegar volcano Find out how to make a baking soda volcano with these easy to follow instructions for a baking soda and vinegar volcano using sand, modroc or snow. How to make a Baking Soda Volcano When you think of great science experiments for kids one of the first that springs to mind is probably a baking soda volcano and vinegar volcano. I remember making one with my little brother in the kitchen when he was about 4 or 5. Baking soda volcanoes and coke floats were our favourite summer activities when I ...
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Ofertas de Empleo en BBVA, abogado laboral en linea.
Ofertas de Empleo en BBVA, abogado laboral en linea.
Abogado laboral en linea Empleos en BBVA industry BBVA Security engineer industry BBVA Gerente de cuenta hunter industry BBVA Analista de recaudos y cobranzas industry BBVA Bachilleres-barranquilla industry BBVA Bachilleres-medellin industry BBVA Bachilleres-cali industry BBVA Bachilleres-bogota industry BBVA Scrum master industry BBVA Profesional big data industry BBVA Mantenimiento aplicativo industry BBVA Analyst gcc – quants industry BBVA Administrador base de datos industry BBVA Abogado master bbva seguros industry BBVA Gestor comercial bogota industry BBVA Profesional en entrenamiento agile industry BBVA Estudiante de ultimos semestres de dise o gr fico practicante industry BBVA Practicante de dise o gr fico urgente!! industry ...
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Compravendita autovettura, inadempimento, risoluzione contratto, trapasso di proprieta.
Compravendita autovettura, inadempimento, risoluzione contratto, trapasso di proprieta.
Trapasso di proprieta Trapasso di proprieta TRIBUNALE DI NOLA, sentenza del 11 gennaio 2012 Domanda di accertamento del diritto di proprieta dell’autoveicolo – rigetto – trascrizione al PRA funzione di pubblicita dichiarativa obbligo del venditore di consegnare i documenti – inadempimento risoluzione ex art. 1453 c.c. del contratto di compravendita del veicolo restituzione delle somme versate in esecuzione del contratto risolto rimborso delle eventuali spese affrontate medio tempore per la custodia del veicolo – onere della prova degli esborsi – risarcimento danni Inadempimento Risoluzione contratto – Restituzione somme – Danni > Domanda di accertamento del diritto di proprieta dell’autoveicolo – ...
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Vuelo en Globo Aerostatico en Buenos Aires, viaje en globo aerostatico.
Viaje en globo aerostatico Vuelo en Globo Aerostatico en Buenos Aires Las calificaciones de las actividades son remitidas por los usuarios una vez que han vivido la experiencia. Eso nos permite ofrecerte solo las experiencias que cumplan con nuestro estandar de calidad y que sean 100% inovidables. Vuelo en Globo Aerostatico en Buenos Aires Viv una experiencia que alucina a todos desde que vol el primer globo aerost tico en 1872! El vuelo en globo aerost tico es el m todo m s seguro de transporte a reo. El globo aerost tico se mueve con el viento y como el ...
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Поучительная история о том, как вооруженные арабы-нелегалы мешают заниматься мародерам расово-правильным неграм. «Они позволяют им выходить на улицу с АК-47! С АК-47 — чтобы защищать свое барахло от черных. Они готовы мочить черных, эти арабы гнусные со своим идиотским Рамаданом. У них М-16 и калаши есть — все, что хочешь. Нет, вы только гляньте, какое дерьмо творится, — вскричала женщина, развернув камеру в сторону ближайшего магазина. — У них, мать их, калаши, так что я прямо сейчас иду к брату, он у меня мент, буду выяснять, это вообще легально, разгуливать с такими (далее нецензурно — прим. ред.) пушками». ?Женщина сообщила, ...
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Anatomy of a volcano
Anatomy of a volcano-Anatomy of a volcano Today, we explore 13 parts of a volcano. From tephra, fumaroles, magma, lava domes, pyroclastic flow to volcanic bombs, this is the anatomy of volcanoes. 13 Parts of a Volcano: The Anatomy of Volcanoes Do you want to learn the anatomy of a volcano? From tephra to volcanic bombs: It’s time to explore the 13 parts of a volcano. Let’s dive right in. When rocks become so hot, they can become a substance called magma. It collects in magma chambers on average 1 to 10 km below the surface. Magma is lighter than ...
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People’s Assembly receives a notice that Faten Ali Nahar submitted application to run for president
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US occupation forces send military and logistical convoy into Hasaka
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Cotopaxi national park
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Shadowlands Haunted Places Index Indiana land area ******* Indiana land area In Indiana Warning Any places listed in the Haunted Places requires permission to visit or investigate. Many of the places are patrolled by the authorities, trespassers will be prosecuted. Allen – Fort Wayne – Char’s House of Oak MI Dearborn – Ford Rouge Plant – In the main house, an angry, disheveled, dark haired man wearing green work pants and a wife beater undershirt storms down the steps with his belt raised over his head. Anderson – Arby’s – Reports of a ghost of a large man sitting in ...
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Assurance retraite sud est Des services en ligne pour les retraites qui ouvrent un compte sur Publie le 11 fevrier 2015 – Direction de l information legale et administrative (Premier ministre) Imprimer Envoyer par courriel Partager sur Facebook – Nouvelle fenetre Tweeter – Nouvelle fenetre Partager sur LinkedIn – Nouvelle fenetre Cet article est ancien, l information n est peut-etre plus exacte. Vous pouvez neanmoins consulter cette page. Connaitre le montant imposable de sa retraite ou encore telecharger une attestation de paiement. La Caisse nationale d’assurance vieillesse (Cnav) propose toute une gamme de services en ligne, accessibles depuis l’espace ...
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Breaking: Drone Attack on US in Iraq
Breaking: Drone Attack on US in Iraq
Wednesday, 28 April 2021 – 21:41 The drone attacks impose a major threats on US interests in Iraq. These types of attacks has intensified recently on American troops in Iraq. © 2007-2020, All Rights Reserved Syria|Turkey|Yemen|Qatar|Afghanistan|Azerbaijan|News|War
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Philadelphia Wedding editor Carrie Denny reports on her own experience with a boudoir shot with Philadelphia's Dollface Studios. Here’s What Really Happens at a Boudoir Photo Shoot Delivering the latest in style, inspiration, helpful tips and tricks, and everything else you need to know to plan the perfect Philly wedding. Photo by Dollface Studio From where I sit as a bridal editor, I usually know instantly what I think of a “trend” in the industry when I see one. Long-sleeved wedding dresses, for instance—the kind that have been truly having a moment since Ms. Middleton walked down the royal aisle ...
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ISWNews Analysis Group: On June 5, three people have been killed in a Turkish airstrike on Kurdish refugee camp of Makhmour in northern Iraq. According to pro-Turkish sources, the attack was against the PKK militants and the PKK hideout on the outskirts of Makhmour refugee camp was targeted. Turkish military airstrikes against alleged PKK positions in northern Iraq continue. Turkey has recently launched a new operation called Pence-Simsek (Thunder Claw) and Pence-Yildirim (Lightning Claw) against PKK militants in northern Iraq. © 2007-2020, All Rights Reserved Syria|Turkey|Yemen|Qatar|Afghanistan|Azerbaijan|News|War
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