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Eventyrspil & Fabler


”Tik Tak og menneskedrengen" er en eventyrlig og eftertænksom historie, der udspiller sig i to verdener; menneskenes og urenes.
Vi møder det unge ur Tik Tak, hvis mor pludselig går i stå, og dette oven i købet lige inden Tik Taks hatteceremoni, der i urenes verden markerer overgangen fra barn til voksen.

Samtidig i menneskenes verden, får drengen Benjamin at vide, at hans forældre skal skilles.

Benjamin stikker af, og hans flugt fører ham ind i urenes verden, hvor han møder Tik Tak. Sammen vil Tik Tak og Benjamin redde Tik Taks mor, og de må igennem en række prøvelser, der bl.a. involverer en lumsk skurk, en skør hattemager og en grådig urmager.

Vil det lykkes for dem at redde Tik Taks mor? Vil Tik Tak få sin hatteceremoni? Og vil Benjamin blive gen-forenet med sine forældre? Tag med på en eventyrlig rejse for hele familien.

En rejse hvor alt kan ske. Ca. varighed af stykket: Ca. 120. Min. Antal locations: 7 Antal medvirkende: 6.
SCENE 1: I NATTENS MULM OG MØRKE Mørke. Nogen eller noget lister rundt i mørket.
SWATCH: (synger) Slange skind. Larve lig.
ZEPPELIN: Ti stille!
SWATCH: Jeg er nervøs.
ZEPPELIN: Du vækker dem.
SWATCH: Jeg kan ikke li´ mørke.
ZEPPELIN: Vær ikke sådan et skvadderskvat.
SWATCH: Hvad var det?
SWATCH: Hørte du ikke noget?
ZEPPELIN skriger.
SWATCH: Hvad skete der?!
ZEPPELIN: Mit ben!
TIK TAK: Hvad laver I her?!
ZEPPELIN: Hvem er det?!
SWATCH: Hvad gør vi?!
TIK TAK: Hvad laver I inde i mit hus?!
ZEPPELIN og SWATCH løber ud. Lyset bliver tændt.
TIK TAK står med sit træ sværd Sølvblad, klar til kamp, og spejder ud i mørket.
Andre forfattere
Brian Wind-Hansen


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Full coverage automobile insurance Types of Auto Insurance Coverage Car insurance can cover injuries and property damage, but different options can cover different situations. Common Auto Insurance Coverage Understand the common types of auto coverage and get the insurance you want, to fit your budget. Liability Coverage There are two types of liability coverage – coverage for Bodily Injury and coverage for Personal Property. Most states require you to carry a minimum amount of liability coverage, or post a bond, to register your vehicle or obtain a driver’s license.If you’re legally responsible, or “liable” for damages, Liability coverage helps pay ...
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Large houses for sale @ Video
Large houses for sale Large houses for sale Large Country Houses, Big Manor Houses, Country Estates and Mansions to rent in the UK Find your perfect place to stay for your big family holiday, special occasion or event from our fantastic collection of large country houses, big manors, spacious halls and large country estates.Renting a Large House can be a great choice for big groups who want to get away from it all, for luxury breaks, for self catering weddings, parties or other celebrations. Quite often large country houses are available to rent for weekend or 3 night bookings – ...
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Cucina Romana, ricette ed ingredienti popolari, Agrodolce, cucina romana.
Cucina Romana, ricette ed ingredienti popolari, Agrodolce, cucina romana.
Cucina romana Cucina Romana La Cucina Romana e tra le piu note ed apprezzate cucine regionali italiane. I piatti sono realizzati per lo piu con ingredienti semplici, di origini rurali e facili da reperire. I primi i piu conosciuti e amati sono l’amatriciana (o matriciana), la gricia e la carbonara, preparazioni a base di pasta (bucatini, spaghetti, mezze maniche) caratterizzate dall’utilizzo del guanciale teso. Crostata di visciole Alici con indivia al forno Spaghetti alla gricia Saltimbocca alla romana Questa tradizione di origini montanare e proveniente dalle zone limitrofe della capitale convive ancora oggi con la tradizione ebraico-romanesca e i suoi ...
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4.7 scale earthquake registered at Syrian coast
4.7 scale earthquake registered at Syrian coast
Related Articles Damascus, SANA – A light earthquake was registered at 4.7 on the Richter Scale on Friday evening at the Syrian coast at a depth of 20 km 65 km away from Lattakia city. The National Center for Seismic Monitoring said the earthquake occurred at 21:15 PM local time, and was felt by people in Lattakia, Tartous, Hama, Homs, and Aleppo. The Center said an aftershock was registered at 2.5 at 21:26 at a depth of 9 km and 48 km away from Lattakia. Hazem Sabbagh © 2007-2020, All Rights Reserved India|Myanmar|Pakistan|Philippines|Russia|News|War
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Mietkauf immobilien Immobilien-Bцrse Immo-Anzeigen: Haus kaufen, Grundstьck pachten, Eigentumswohnung verkaufen, gewerbliche Immobilien, Bьroflдchen mieten. Wohnnutzflдche ca. 133 mІ 6 Zimmer, Bad, WC, Garten, PKW-Stellplatz Mцbliert, Echtholztьren u. -bцden Beheizung via Festbrennstoffцfen Wintergarten mit Ausblick auf die Berge Standort: Nдhe Kalte Kuchl Sofortinfo: Tel. 0699/1656 4545 Rдume im Zentrum Salzburgs temporдr anzubieten Ideal fьr Seminare, Produktprдsentationen, Vorstellungsgesprдche usw. цffentlich optimal erreichbar. Sie ist 65m2, im Erdgeschoss (nur 4. Stiegen) bestehend aus 2. Zimmern, Kьche inkl. Essplatz. Kьche ist mцbliert und kann gegen Ablцse mit dem Vormieter ьbernommen werden. Bad mit Dusche, extra WC mit eigenen Waschmaschinenanschluss. Zusдtzlich gibt es einen ...
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Arizona board Video
Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency Arizona board ******* Arizona board The Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency (ARRA), known as the Arizona Atomic Energy Commission until 1980, originated in 1964. Brian Goretzki is ARRA’s current Interim Director. ARRA is responsible for the conduct of a statewide radiological health and safety program and for the enforcement of State rules and regulations for the control of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. ARRA is comprised of six program areas. On January 1st, 2018, ARRA will become part of the Arizona Department of Health Services. RAM – Radioactive Materials is responsible for licensing and inspecting medical, industrial and ...
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Colegio de Abogados de San Isidro (CASI), colegio abogados san isidro.
Colegio de Abogados de San Isidro (CASI), colegio abogados san isidro.
Colegio abogados san isidro Redes Sociales Menu principal Calendario. Servicio Bancario- Generacion de Bonos El Colegio de Abogados de San Isidro informa a sus matriculados que ha resuelto la aplicacion del articulo 54 de la ley 5177, que habilita a los colegios el pago de la cuota anual de manera proporcional al tiempo de inscripcion. Por tal motivo, se hace saber que se aplicara dicho beneficio. Servicio Provincia Net : Atencion habitual: En el hall central de Acassuso 424. Dias habiles de 8:00 a 13:45 . Valores Bono ley 8480. Bono verde: $330. Bono azul: $165 Aclaracion importante para t ...
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Albayalde Police General Oscar Albayalde confirmed that Police Master Sergeant Solomon Cugay was formerly included in President Rodrigo Duterte’s narcolist. Marje Pelayo • March 27, 2019 • 2992 QUEZON CITY, Philippines – Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Police General Oscar Albayalde confirmed that Police Master Sergeant Solomon Cugay was formerly included on President Rodrigo Duterte’s narcolist. Cugay was the cop killed in a shooting incident at EDSA Connecticut on Tuesday (March 26). Cugay had previous records of coddling and recycling illegal drugs, according to Albayalde, but the PNP Chief clarified that the former was able to clear his name and ...
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Kremlin: Russian, Iranian, Turkish Presidents to hold talks on situation in Syria on Wednesday
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Tens of pro-Turkish mercenaries killed or injured due to infighting among them in Idleb and Aleppo countryside
Tens of pro-Turkish mercenaries killed or injured due to infighting among them in Idleb and Aleppo countryside
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US start to withdraw from southern Afghanistan?!
US start to withdraw from southern Afghanistan?!
Sunday, 2 May 2021 – 21:16 ISWNews Analysis Group: US troops reportedly evacuated Antonik base in Helmand province and hand it over to the Afghan army.   On May 2, the Afghan media reported the handover of the Camp Antonik to the Afghan army. Camp Antonik is one of the US military bases in the large base of Shorabak or Camp Bastion in Helmand province of Afghanistan. Camp Shorabak is located between the district of Washir and Nade Ali in Helmand province and is in fact the main base of NATO forces in southwestern Afghanistan, which has emerged from the ...
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L engagement d un benevole au service de l association – Au Pas de Cal Anes, cram nord picardie.
Cram nord picardie Lengagement dun benevole au service de lassociation Navigation rapide Mon implication comme retraite benevole au sein de l’association Au Pas de Cal’Anes Je m’appelle Fernando VILAR, je suis ne au Portugal le 26 septembre 1933, dans un village du Nord du Portugal du nom de Loivos. J’habite 5, rue du Bois a Saint-Sauflieu (80160). J’ai fui la dictature salazariste, a l’age de 23 ans, au moment ou se developpait la repression a l’encontre de tous ceux qui apparaissaient suspects aux yeux de la P.I.D.E (Policia Internacional e de Defesa do Estado = Police Internationale et de Defense ...
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ProRealTime – Logiciel de bourse en ligne, analyse technique – trading, cac 40 cotation et cours de bourse en temps reel.
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It? Weapons designer Pierre Blondeau created the anti-fascist bullet
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The French fleet is going to hell after the U.S.
The French fleet is going to hell after the U.S.
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Cosa fare per diventare DONATORE DI SANGUE – Fidas Vicenza, diventare donatore sangue.
Diventare donatore sangue Cosa fare per diventare DONATORE DI SANGUE Cosa fare per diventare DONATORE DI SANGUE Collegandoti a ?? questo link ??puoi compilare on line la promessa di donazione che viene spedita via mail a Fidas Vicenza. Sarai contattato quanto prima per tutte le formalita del caso. L’idoneita alla donazione viene rilasciata sulla base dell’esito di una visita medica e di esami diagnostici e strumentali. Per diventare donatori non e necessario prenotare la donazione. E sufficiente presentarsi al Centro Trasfusionale dell’Ospedale, possibilmente a digiuno o dopo una colazione leggera a base di caffe o the senza latte, tutte le ...
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Florida Department of Insurance, General Insurance, Economy Watch Fl dept of ins ******* Florida Department of Insurance, General Insurance May 25, 2010 • Florida Insurance • by EconomyWatch The Florida Department of Insurance is responsible for regulating and reforming the insurance market in the state. It controls the procedures pertaining to the general insurance industry. Florida Department of Insurance: Business Units The Florida Department of Insurance has multiple units to carry out its operations. These include: Business Development: It facilitates operations of new companies in the insurance market. Its prime responsibility is to identify growth prospects in the Florida general ...
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Wrongful arrest
Wrongful arrest
Wrongful arrest What Constitutes a Wrongful Arrest in the State of Oregon? In circumstances where there is an arrest without a warrant, police officers have a duty to show Wrongful Arrest Sometimes the term “false arrest” is used interchangeably with the term “wrongful arrest.” Below are some answers to some frequently asked questions regarding the issue of wrongful / false arrests: When is an arrest lawful? An arrest is lawful when there is a valid warrant. Generally, searches and seizures inside a home are “presumptively unreasonable” in absence of a valid warrant or justification under ORS 133.310: Authority of peace ...
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Our Los Angeles Airport Guide contains information about airport lounges, wifi, nearby hotels, hours of operation, facilities and things to do on a layover. Los Angeles Airport Guide Whether you have a layover, overnight sleepover or you are just quickly passing through, our Los Angeles Airport Guide is a great place to start planning your visit. Here, you’ll find information on services and facilities available inside the airport – including details about airport lounges, WiFi, mobile charging points, lockers, 24-hour food options, nearby hotels, and everything in between. the facilities remain pretty sub-standard – except in the newly refurbished Tom ...
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QSD militant shot dead in al-Ezbeh town in Deir Ezzor countryside
QSD militant shot dead in al-Ezbeh town in Deir Ezzor countryside
Deir Ezzor, SANA- A militant from the US occupation-backed QSD militia was shot dead in al-Ezbeh town in Deir Ezzor northeastern countryside. Local sources told SANA that a QSD militant was shot dead in al-Ezbeh village in Deir Ezzor northeastern countryside which have witnessed several demonstrations which call for expelling that militia from the area after it has gone far in plundering the Syrian oil and properties and in their daily attacks against the civilians. On Saturday, a number of QSD militants were killed in an attack on their positions on the outskirts of al-Shuhail town, east of Deir Ezzor, ...
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Gaffers tape home depot
Gaffers tape home depot
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